Darwin guessed that two hundred
millions of years ago one or a few
germs appeared on the planet and then,
according to Darwin, they immediately went
to work reproducing. Not quite according to
kind, but with just enough variation to give us
finally between two and tree millions of
species. Darwin thought we had two or tree
million. I am so conservative that I prefer the
lowest estimate - a million species in the animal
and vegetable world - but according to
Darwin's guess everything we now see came
from one or a few germs of life.

All the evolutionists believe this,
whether they call themselves Christian,
theist or atheist. Our answer is that if it
were true that all species came by slow
development from one or a few germs,
every square foot of the earth's surface
would teem whith evidences of change.
If everything changed, we ought to find
evidences of it somewhere, but because
it is not true, they have not found a single
thing, living or dead, in process of change.

They have examined millions of
specimens, from insects so small that you
have to look at them with a microscope, up
to mammals, but everything is perfect. They
have not found one in process of change,
and they have not been able to show that
a single species ever came from another.
Darwin said so while he lived and expressed
suprise that, with two or tree million species,
they had not found a single one they could
trace to another; but he thought we should
accept the hypothesis, even though the
'missing links had not been found'-not the
missing link, but de missing links (plural) had
not been found.

If we have a million different species,
we must have at least a million connecting
links, one to link each species to another,
but a scientist, speaking in London not
long ago, said that if evolution were true it
would not be one link between two species,
but there would be a million links between two
species, and yet,with a million times a million
links that must have existed if evolution be
true, they have not found a single link.

- W. Jennings Bryan -